Daca ai fi marea, eu as fi plaja,
Imbratisata permanent de tine;
Daca ai fi focul, eu as fi jarul,
Nu as exista fara tine.
Daca ai fi cerul, as fi o stea, as fi un nor,
Acolo sus, langa tine, in fiecare zi sa zbor.
Dar tu esti tu, si nu pot fi
Decat un om care traieste pentru a te iubi.
De ce noaptea eu adorm numai ca sa te visez pe tine?
De ce mereu cand te privesc uit pana si de mine?
De ce atunci cand ma atingi tremur doar de fericire?
Si atunci cand ma saruti nu simt decat iubire?
E asa usor de zis, dar eu vreau sa-ti demonstrez
Ce fel ma simt acum iubite, ce mult eu te iubesc!
duminică, 18 mai 2008
Daca...De ce?
Publicat de
Te iubesc!
Dragostea e o visare
Are suflet, n-are trup
Intre suflete apare,
Intre inimi s-a nascut.
Intr-un ocean de iubire
O mare de necunoscut
Intr-un lac de fericire
Doua inimi se scufund
Dar apare dintr-o data
Atunci cand mai putin te-astepti
Si te simti cum niciodata
N-ai crezut c-ai sa te simti.
Intre noi nimic sa fie
Sa uitam ce-o data a fost,
Langa tine ma simt vie
Chiar de-i doar un vis frumos.
Peste nori noi vom zbura
Lumea rea nu va afla
Vom privi de sus spre ea
Nu ne va pasa.
O inima vom imparti
Vom uita ce ne desparte
Voi uita ca esti departe,
Ne vom iubi.
Insa aripile-mi cad usor
Fara ele ma gasesc...
Dintr-o data nu mai zbor...
Si incep sa ma trezesc...
Inapoi aceeasi lume,
Inapoi acest cosmar,
Cu-o lumina-ntunecata
Unde totu-i in zadar
Ma nasc dintr-un vis in altul,
Simt ca nu pot evada,
Ca nu pot curata pacatul
De a-ti da inima mea.
Te rog, vino langa mine.
Vino, ca sa ma trezesc.
Si s-adorm iar langa tine,
Ca apoi,iar sa visez.
Publicat de
Ordinul Chinez-Bogatia
Poti cumpara o casa, dar nu un camin;
Poti cumpara un pat, dar nu somnul;
Poti cumpara un ceas, dar nu si timpul;
Poti cumpara o carte, dar nu si cunoasterea;
Poti cumpara un doctor, dar nu si sanatatea;
Poti cumpara un suflet, dar nu si viata;
Poti cumpara sexul, dar nu si iubirea!
Publicat de
marți, 1 aprilie 2008
Versuri "Loredana Groza feat Ion Caramitru - Buna seara, iubito!"
Ion Caramitru:
Buna seara, iubito! Te-astept ca din cer
Sa-mi aduci continente de palid mister!
Cu trenul acest…. personal si stingher
Buna seara iubito!
Loredana Groza:
Iubite, Buna seara!
Te-astept ca din cer.
Te-astept sa imi aduci continente de palid mister
Buna seara, iubite! Te-astept ca si cand numai dragostea noastra ar fi pe pamant
Mai presus ..Buna seara, iubite!..... te-astept ca si cand, numai dragostea noastra ar fi pe pamant mai presus de mariri, de caderi, de mariri ...de cuvant.
Ion Caramitru:
Buna seara, iubito!..pot sa-ti spun prin cuvinte ca putine mai sunt pe pamant lucruri sfinte,
Ca intra iubiri prematuri in morminte.
Buna seara iubito!...
Sunt destui care vor sa ne puna la usa iubirii zavor..,sa puna catuse cuvantului dor.
Buna seara, iubito!
Iubite, buna seara! te-astept ca din cer ...te-astept sa imi aduci continente de palid mister
Buna seara, iubite! te-astept ca si cand....numai dragostea noastra ar fi pe pamant
Mai presus...Buna seara iubite te-astept ca si cand... numai dragostea noastra ar fi pe pamant
Mai presus de mariri, de caderi, de cuvant.
Buna seara, iubite! Te-astept ca si cand... numai dragostea noastra ar fi pe pamant mai presus...
Buna seara iubite te-astept ca si cand numai dragostea nostra ar fi pe pamant
Mai presus de mariri, de caderi, de mariri, de cuvant.
Ion Caramitru:
Buna seara, iubito!.. te-astept ca si cand numai dragostea noastra ar fi pe pamant
Mai presus de mariri, de caderi, de cuvant...
Buna seara, iubito! te-astept ca sï cand ......
Publicat de
marți, 12 februarie 2008
No Life Without Wife
Lonely Mr. Kholi from Las Angeles
Came to Punjab on one bent knee
He had a green card, new house, big cash
So made a wish with every fallen lash
For you to do the journey with him
To smile when he got home ask how his day had been
He wants you by his side in joy and strife
Poor Mr. Kholi he has no life without wife.
I don’t want a man who ties me down
Does what he wants while I hang around
I don’t want a man who’s crude and loud
Wants a pretty wife to make him proud
I don’t wanna man who can’t be funny
Who tells tall tales about making money
I don’t want a man who’ll grab the best seat
Can’t close his mouth when he starts to eat
I don’t want a man who likes to drink
Or leaves his dirty dishes in the sink
I don’t want a man who wants his mummy
A balding pest with too much dummy
I don’t want a man who’s dead in the head
What you don’t want do matter no more
Soon you’ll be married and ready to go
A match made in heaven just like milk and honey
You make all the Gobi he’ll make the money
Everyday will be the same according to his plans
Forget what you want Mr. Kholi’s now your man
No life
Without Wife
I just want a man with a real soul
Who wants equality and not control
I just want a man good and smart
A really sharp mind and a very big heart
I just want a man not scared to weep
To hold me close when we’re asleep
Ohhh yeah….
I just want a man who loves romance
Who’ll clear the floor and ask me to dance
I just want a man who gives some back
Who talks to me and not my rack
I just want man whose spirit is free
To hold my hand, walk the world with me
No life
Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
No life
Without Wife
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah yeah
Sorry Mr. Kholi
It is not to be
My heart is set on another you see
The wandering soul I was meant to meet
Has finally come and swept me off my feet
Now I dream of what it would be like
To be an overseas bride dressed in white
To have a little home in the country
And live in the land of her majesty
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Marriage Has Come to Town
Is this going to be
the last time we three
walk down this street, together?
She's going to be wed,
It doesn't mean she's dead.
We'll be friends, forever.
It's not long before the day
I up, up, up and fly away
So let's make this a walk to remember.
There are stars in your way
From Amritsar to UK.
There are stars in your way
From Amritsar to UK.
You are the golden girl,
the centre of the world.
Just ask and you shall have it.
This is your moment, grab it.
Your wish is our command,
we'll supply what you demand.
You turned their lives around.
You got a marriage into town.
A marriage has come to town.
Laughter, colour light and sound.
Life is great, let's celebrate
The sacred union 2 souls have found.
You see flowers are, most important.
Bright garlands can never be forgotten.
No one can be at your wedding,
with a bad taste in their mouth,
So we shall supply, the ras malai
the guests won't leave without.
Fancy pearls and precious stones
Imported from far and wide.
We melt and mould
And set for our 24 carat bride.
Cut, colour, clarity, the best you've ever seen.
Only the Kohinnor is better but
you'll have to ask the Queen.
A marriage has come to town.
Laughter, colour light and sound.
Life is great, let's celebrate
The sacred union 2 souls have found.
Life and all its intricacies.
We will paint on your hands and feet.
The colour of mud shows heat in the blood.
Henna is the Earth and all her fertility.
We'll darken your lifeline,
To deepen with time.
Adding soul to the magic that is to be.
Your life and all it's intricacies.
Who can tell you more about Yin & Yang?
Sharing one spirit between woman and man.
Marriage is the path taken by he and she.
May your new life be kissed by harmony.
It seems they had nothing in their lives before today,
And why are they so happy to give a daughter away.
You've got what you always wanted,
And for that I am glad,
But just take a look around you,
The city has gone mad!
Can't wait for the day,
Can't keep our shoulders down,
God bless you for getting,
this marriage into town.
A marriage has come to town.
Laughter, colour light and sound.
Life is great, let's celebrate
The sacred union 2 souls have found.
A marriage has come to town.
Laughter, colour light and sound.
Life is great, let's celebrate
The sacred union 2 souls have found.
A marriage has come to town.
Laughter, colour light and sound.
Life is great, let's celebrate
The sacred union 2 souls have found.
Publicat de
Non siamo soli
E' la voglia di cambiare la realtà,
Che mi fa sentire ancora vivo
E cercherò tutti quelli come me
Che hanno ancora un sogno in più...un sogno in più
Dentro un libro che nessuno ha scritto mai,
Leggo le istruzione della vita,
Anche se so che poi non le seguirò,
Farò ciò che sento...
Oltre le distanze, noi non siamo soli
Figli della stessa umanità
Anime viaggianti in cerca di ideali,
Il coraggio non ci mancherà
Supera I confini di qualunque ideologia, l'emozione che ci unisce in una grande idea
Un altro mondo possibile c'è
E lo cerco anch'io e lo voglio anch'io come te...
Nelle pagine lasciate in bianco noi,
Diamo spazio a tutti I nostri sogni
nessuno mai il futuro ruberà,
Dalle nostre mani...
Oltre le distanze, noi non siamo soli
Senza più certezze e verità
Anime confuse, cuori prigionieri
Con la stessa idea di libertà...libertà
Oltre le distanze, non siamo soli
L'incertezza non ci fermerà
Supera I confini, non conosce geografia l'emozione che ci unisce in una grande idea
Oltre le distanze noi non siamo soli, sempre in cerca della verità
Anime viaggianti, cuori prigionieri, con la stessa idea di libertà
Un altro mondo possibile c'è e lo sto cercando insieme a te
Anch'io con te
Insieme a me
E tu con me..
Publicat de
duminică, 20 ianuarie 2008
Panorame virtuale - Rm. Valcea
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